Are you ready for new mandatory ESG regulations?

From 2025, a significant shift in transparency will be upon us. ESG reporting will become mandatory for a wider range of UK companies, making clear and comprehensive disclosures essential. At Alex Genn Copywriting, we're here to help any size of company navigate the new ESG reporting landscape with confidence.

Understanding Your 2025 ESG Reporting Obligations

The specific requirements for your company's 2025 ESG report will depend on its size, sector, and listing status. Here's a breakdown of the key regulations to consider.

The Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors' Report) Regulations 2013:
• Who: Applies to large and medium-sized companies (public and private) meeting specific size thresholds (250+ employees, £36 million+ turnover, or £18 million+ balance sheet total).
• Requirements: Include a non-financial information statement covering environmental, social, and employee matters within the strategic report.

The UK Stewardship Code (Voluntary):
• Who: Applies to primarily institutional investors, but has implications for companies seeking their investment.
• Considerations: Be prepared to engage with investors on ESG issues and provide clear information on your approach to managing ESG risks and opportunities, including strategy integration.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations (Becoming Mandatory):
• Proposed Scope (subject to confirmation): Listed companies, large private companies, banks, building societies, insurance companies, pension schemes, and occupational pension schemes with £5 billion+ in assets.
• Requirements (anticipated): Disclose climate-related financial information aligned with the TCFD recommendations, covering governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics/targets.

Beyond the Regulations: Best Practices for Effective ESG Reporting

While meeting regulatory requirements is crucial, Alex Genn Copywriting goes beyond compliance to ensure impactful ESG reporting.  We recommend:

Materiality: Focus on the most significant ESG issues for your company and stakeholders. Conduct a materiality assessment to identify priorities.

Consistency and Transparency: Maintain consistency in data and information across reports and over time. Use clear, concise language for a broad audience.

Balance: Present a balanced view, including achievements and areas for improvement. Be open about challenges and actions you're taking.

Frameworks and Standards: Utilize established frameworks like GRI, SASB, or TCFD recommendations to guide your disclosures.

Assurance: Consider external assurance for enhanced credibility and trust with stakeholders.

At AlexGenn Copywriting we partner with some of the world's best-loved brands, to create compelling SG reporting that highlights their commitment to a sustainable future. Learn more about our approach to ESG report writing

Contact us today to discuss your ESG reporting requirements.