Find Your Perfect Renewable Energy Copywriter

The renewable energy sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. As businesses in this sector look to expand and reach new clients, the need for effective content and copywriting is paramount. Finding a reliable renewable energy copywriter is essential.

A good copywriter will help communicate your message in a way that is both engaging and highly informative. They’ll also create content that is optimized for search engines, to drive traffic to your website and enhance visibility. And of course, they’ll do it all in a supportive way, helping you create a relationship you can count on, for the long term.

If you are a business in the renewable energy sector, you may be wondering what to look for in a freelance copywriter. At Alex Genn copywriting we’ve put our heads together, to bring you five crucial things to consider:

  1. Experience in renewable energy

This one’s a bit of a no-brainer, admittedly, but it’s worth saying. Really. The most important thing to look for in a freelance renewable energy copywriter is experience in the field. Search out a senior-level copywriter with a good understanding, not just of trends in renewable energy, but across wider sustainable sector issues too. Their experience will save you time and money across all your copywriting projects.

Ask about the types of projects they’ve worked on and their previous clients. You’ll find any copywriter worth their fee will be more than willing to share these – NDAs permitting!


  1. Tone of Voice and process

In addition to expertise, a good freelance copywriter will be able to write in your corporate voice – or help you find it and get it established. Of course, they’ll write clear, concise, and persuasive copy. And they’ll also be able to tailor their work precisely to your target audience.

When evaluating a renewable energy copywriter always ask about their process. You’ll want to work with someone who can explain how they operate, to make sure it fits in with your preferred ways of working.

  1. Experience with SEO

In today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a strong online presence. A good freelance renewable energy copywriter will have experience with SEO and be able to write copy that is optimized for search engines.

Your freelance renewable energy copywriter doesn’t have to be a technical whizz kid or a maestro of measurement. But they should be capable of incorporating your keywords into your content, in a natural, readable way, at just the right density.



  1. Response to feedback

Whatever your copywriter is working on with you, it’s going to be a collaborative process. As such, their response to your feedback is key. You don’t want a writer whose ego gets in the way of progressing the project. So, if possible, when selecting your freelance renewable energy copywriter, talk to someone they’ve worked with before, to make sure you’ll get on.

Creativity and craft on the page are never the whole story.  Make finding the right personal fit a part of picking your freelance renewable energy copywriter. That way you’ll form a long-term relationship with someone who knows your objectives, brand and working style.

  1. A good fit for your company culture

Finally, it’s important to choose a freelance renewable energy copywriter who gels with your company culture. A good copywriter will be able to understand your values and mission and will be able to write copy that reflects them.

Look for a freelance copywriter who will take time to get under the skin of your organisation. That way they’ll make sure you’re really connecting with your audiences. It’s worth asking about the copywriter’s personal values and beliefs too, to make sure they align with yours

By following these tips, you’ll find a renewable energy copywriter who’s the right fit for your business, and help you create high-value content that really engages your readers and achieve your objectives. Or if you want to short-cut the process, and find someone fantastic, just drop us at line.

Alex Genn

View posts by Alex Genn
I run a team of 25 senior-level copywriters and am myself a professional copywriter with over 15 years' experience.
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