Remember when spell check was the height of writing technology? Those little red squiggly lines that saved us all from embarrassing typos? AI is a different animal, and quite incredible. Blogs? instantly. Whitepapers? Done. Whole Books? No problem. Sounds great. But, we now know it’s not the magic solution everyone thinks it is. And a...
Category: Tone of Voice
Financial writing that works hard
Our tips for writing highly-effective financial content that engages audiences and drives business objectives.
SEO v Brand: Beware the spiders
SEO is important but if you don't keep the brand in mind, your high Google rank is worthless.
The world is changing. Keep up to stay connected to your audience.
Male? Female? Or…? I was shopping at the weekend. My wife was in the changing room. So, my 4-year-old daughter and I were outside entertaining the shop assistant, ‘Raz’ who was (of course), far younger and cooler than me. About 6 feet tall, with a broad, typically masculine figure, long dark hair and purple nail...
Content creation services for (grammar) rebels!
Whether you’re squirreling away at it yourself or using the content creation services of a copywriting agency, you’ve faced a choice. Should you follow the grammar rules we all learned in school? Or should you go with Luke and Leia and join the rebels? Unsurprisingly, as a company offering professional copywriting services, we get asked...
Good freelance content writing ROARS!
Sometimes freelance content writing is about crafting the right words. Sometimes it’s about shuffling the old grey matter to create ideas. Sometimes copywriting is about bring it all together, for the greater good – or search engine rankings. Tiny = Enormous. Really. Everyone keeps telling you to make an impact on social media. But who...
We’re not all superheroes with odd backstories. And that’s good. Obviously.
Usually, copywriting and tone of voice are things entrepreneurs don’t think about until after the company is established. That makes sense, you’re far too busy making the business work. But talking to a freelance copywriter sooner can help you establish who your brand is early, so all your marketing is consistent. Which means you won’t...