Sometimes freelance content writing is about crafting the right words. Sometimes it’s about shuffling the old grey matter to create ideas. Sometimes copywriting is about bring it all together, for the greater good – or search engine rankings.
Tiny = Enormous. Really.
Everyone keeps telling you to make an impact on social media. But who has something interesting to say, week-in-week-out? Something that doesn’t make you sound desperate? That’s where good freelance content writing can help, with some awesome ideas. Ideas are great. They’re small. But powerful. Tiny little mice who roar, with enormous consequences, especially on social media. But what do you do with all those delicious little thoughts?
More than ideas
At Alex Genn Copywriting we’re big on ideas but so much more too. We know social drives web traffic. And we know blogs can be at the heart of your content. And our team of senior-level writers are experts in crafting original, search engine optimised (SEO) blogs to push your site up the search rankings. But beyond that, they create blogs that can be broken down into social posts, which also serve as tasty little teasers, that link to the blogs. so you get maximum value from every blog.
Beyond blogs
Of course, once you get your audience onto your site, you’ll want to direct them through your sales journey. And a good copywriter will have you covered there too. Not in a gunfight sort of way though. More in a, making the language work to move people through, with clever, short sentences, snappy little paragraphs headings, and punchy calls to action, kind of a way. And of course, you need to review the whole site, from brand objectives to core messaging, tone of voice and even images.
Count on a content calendar
It’s worth remembering that even the very best freelance content writing doesn’t start when words hit the page. Whether it’s social media, website content, thought-leadership content or anything else, it begins with understanding the audience, and objectives, so you can create an effective content calendar. Plan ahead, with ideas and themes that work for your industry and audiences. Decide what will perform best as a blog, social post, white paper or something else. Get it all together in one document and you’ll be able to deploy your content as and when you need it.
Get the right support, personally
When you’re looking for freelance content writing services, make sure your copywriting team can give you everything you need. Beyond all the skills and experience you need, consider who they are. Demand writers who can work with you in true partnership. People who listen to you and build on feedback constructively. Don’t settle for a writer whose ego is more important than your objectives. Remember, it’s a crucial relationship, and your brand’s reputation may depend on it.
Find out more about how our senior-level writers can help make your words work harder.