AI content is becoming more and more common, and rightly so. It’s great to get something written so fast and so competently. However, your brand is a precious commodity. As with any relationship, it takes years to build trust but it can be undermined in a second. Leaving your content to AI, without professional human...
Tag: freelance copywriting
How a freelance copy editor protects financial content
Let’s talk about something that keeps financial content managers up at night: regulatory compliance. It’s not exactly the most exciting dinner conversation, but in the world of financial services, it’s absolutely critical. A freelance copy editor could be the difference between creating content that connects with your audience and something that puts you on the...
Beyond spell check: AI needs a professional content editor
Remember when spell check was the height of writing technology? Those little red squiggly lines that saved us all from embarrassing typos? AI is a different animal, and quite incredible. Blogs? instantly. Whitepapers? Done. Whole Books? No problem. Sounds great. But, we now know it’s not the magic solution everyone thinks it is. And a...
How a wealth management copywriter can grow your brand
In the competitive landscape of wealth management, effective communication plays a pivotal role in setting brands apart. From conveying complex financial information to nurturing client relationships, every piece of content serves as a reflection of your brand’s professionalism and expertise. In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits of using an expert wealth management copywriter,...
Finance Sector Copywriting – How to Write Effective Headlines
Whether it’s a blog, thought-leadership article, email or something else headlines are one of the most important elements within finance sector copywriting. They are the first thing your readers see and they determine whether they will click, read, and take action on your offer. But writing effective headlines isn’t easy. Finance sector copywriting tackles complex,...
A Sustainability Copywriter Shares Their Tips
For every business, how their message is expressed is vital. But even more so in the sustainability sector, with a tightrope to walk between ethical messaging, product/service sales and audience education. So, let’s look at what a sustainability copywriter considers worth knowing. Knock-knock. Who’s there? Know your audience! There’s not much more important than understanding...
How to find the right freelance financial copywriter
Whether you’re looking to create new website content, define your brand voice or create regular thought-leadership content, a freelance financial copywriter can help. But, like everything, the devil is in the detail. And not all copywriters are alike. Needles and haystacks There are countless copywriters out there. And many will describe themselves as a freelance...
Financial writing that works hard
Our tips for writing highly-effective financial content that engages audiences and drives business objectives.
‘Agile’ working: copywriting and beyond
If you're about to embark on an agile project and want to know what to expect, this blog is a good starting point, especially if you're a copywriter.
Content writing for website landing pages that works
When you’re content writing for website landing pages, effectiveness is crucial. And it needs to be that’s less trampoline and more like super glue. That is to say, it needs to avoid bounce (i.e. users clicking away) and keep people on the site, moving through to purchase. As copywriters we’re often asked, how do you...