If you're about to embark on an agile project and want to know what to expect, this blog is a good starting point, especially if you're a copywriter.
Category: content
Content writing for website landing pages that works
When you’re content writing for website landing pages, effectiveness is crucial. And it needs to be that’s less trampoline and more like super glue. That is to say, it needs to avoid bounce (i.e. users clicking away) and keep people on the site, moving through to purchase. As copywriters we’re often asked, how do you...
Copywriting for food. One word grew sales 28%!
Love your food? Me too. It’s one of my passions, like writing, which you’d probably expect from someone who runs copywriting agency. And sometimes we’re lucky enough for the two worlds to come together when we’re copywriting for food with origin stories for new brands or mouthwatering descriptions on labels. So, I was chuffed to...
The world is changing. Keep up to stay connected to your audience.
Male? Female? Or…? I was shopping at the weekend. My wife was in the changing room. So, my 4-year-old daughter and I were outside entertaining the shop assistant, ‘Raz’ who was (of course), far younger and cooler than me. About 6 feet tall, with a broad, typically masculine figure, long dark hair and purple nail...
Content creation services for (grammar) rebels!
Whether you’re squirreling away at it yourself or using the content creation services of a copywriting agency, you’ve faced a choice. Should you follow the grammar rules we all learned in school? Or should you go with Luke and Leia and join the rebels? Unsurprisingly, as a company offering professional copywriting services, we get asked...
Good freelance content writing ROARS!
Sometimes freelance content writing is about crafting the right words. Sometimes it’s about shuffling the old grey matter to create ideas. Sometimes copywriting is about bring it all together, for the greater good – or search engine rankings. Tiny = Enormous. Really. Everyone keeps telling you to make an impact on social media. But who...
We’re not all superheroes with odd backstories. And that’s good. Obviously.
Usually, copywriting and tone of voice are things entrepreneurs don’t think about until after the company is established. That makes sense, you’re far too busy making the business work. But talking to a freelance copywriter sooner can help you establish who your brand is early, so all your marketing is consistent. Which means you won’t...
Collaborating? Who do you listen to – and when?
Advice, collaboration, feedback, input. Whatever name it goes by, it can be tricky. But like everything in life, it’s about balance. If you have no single vision for what you want to achieve, all the advice, feedback and collaboration in the world won’t help. At the same time if you bullishly follow your vision, ignoring...
Want A Newsletter Staff Will Actually Read?
Let’s be honest; too often, newsletters are dull, dense and difficult to read. They consist of a few bits of internal comms ‘news’ lumped together with minimal consideration by someone with little copywriting experience. These are the newsletters that get deleted before even being opened (we’ve all done it, haven’t we?). But the thing is,...
5 Ways to Create Captivating Internal Comms Content
Once upon a time internal communications was the lesser known (and lesser loved) cousin of HR and PR. Today, forward-thinking companies big and small know that great employee engagement can inspire, motivate and unite. But it’s not enough just to churn out any old content and cross your fingers for results. It requires time, effort...