Let’s be honest; too often, newsletters are dull, dense and difficult to read. They consist of a few bits of internal comms ‘news’ lumped together with minimal consideration by someone with little copywriting experience.
These are the newsletters that get deleted before even being opened (we’ve all done it, haven’t we?).
But the thing is, research shows that employees actually want newsletters. Yup. Newsletters still have a place in the hearts and inboxes of your staff.
But only if they’re enjoyable, easy-to-understand and accessible. So how do you make that happen?
Good copy counts
One of the biggest differences between a newsletter that’s interesting and useful (and effectively creates employee engagement) – and one that’s ignored, is good copywriting.
Just like you wouldn’t engage with a magazine article or blog post that was badly written, you wouldn’t do so with a badly written newsletter.
Unless you have talented writers within your internal comms team, with newsletter writing experience, it makes good business sense to ask a freelance copywriter. Preferably one who knows internal comms.
They can ensure your newsletter copy generates employee engagement and fits in with your company’s values and tone of voice.
But it’s not just about words
Your newsletter should, of course, read brilliantly but don’t be afraid to include videos, infographics and images, too. These make it visually stimulating and increase employee engagement even further.
Avoid information overload
With cluttered facebook and twitter newsfeeds, on top of hundreds of emails a day, text messages and TV adverts, employees are overloaded with information as it is.
To be effective, your newsletter needs to cut through the noise. Be concise. Don’t waffle on about things that aren’t genuinely interesting or relevant.
If you need to include dry or ‘boring’ information, be brief.
It also helps to personalise your newsletters. ‘Dear Peter’ is much nicer then ‘Dear employee’. Nobody wants to feel like they are just a cog in the wheel, and an internal comms newsletter is a way of making sure nobody in your company does.
Is it working?
Measure the amount of opens and clicks your newsletter gets, as well as which sections employees really engage with. This will help you hone in on what works best.
Do all of the above and you’ll be well on your way to a newsletter employees love – and love to share.