The Role of Data – advice from a finance content writer

Any good finance content writer will tell you that using data is vital in creating truly effective content. Data can also help you clarify your meaning, back up your claims and support your arguments. It can also help you tell stories, illustrate concepts, and reveal insights. But how do you use data effectively in financial...

Finance Sector Copywriting – How to Write Effective Headlines

Whether it’s a blog, thought-leadership article, email or something else headlines are one of the most important elements within finance sector copywriting. They are the first thing your readers see and they determine whether they will click, read, and take action on your offer. But writing effective headlines isn’t easy. Finance sector copywriting tackles complex,...

Craft Thought-Leadership Content with a Sustainable Copywriter

As a sustainable copywriter (a writer working within the sustainability sector) you’ll hear the term ‘thought-leadership’ content a lot. It’s become a bit of a buzzword. But, simply, we define it as content created by experts in a particular field, that takes on a specific topic, sharing unique opinions or new information. It’s often ghost-written...

What to look for in a financial writing sample

When you’re looking to outsource your financial copywriting, there’s an old adage it’s worth remembering, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”. That means when you’re looking for a good freelance financial copywriter, don’t just go on reputation or even recommendation. Ask for a financial writing sample. Choosing a writer Even before you...

How to find the right freelance financial copywriter

Whether you’re looking to create new website content, define your brand voice or create regular thought-leadership content, a freelance financial copywriter can help. But, like everything, the devil is in the detail. And not all copywriters are alike. Needles and haystacks There are countless copywriters out there. And many will describe themselves as a freelance...

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